

Please dress neatly in the Library. Be polite and courteous to others. Make sure not to disturb other readers. Those who drank alcoholic drinks are not allowed to go in the library. Please maintain an enlightened and elegant environment for the users.


Before entering into the reading room, please deposit your bags and other personal items into the lockers. Personal items may not be left overnight in the lockers.

3、 请自觉维护公共安全秩序,严禁在馆区内吸烟和使用明火,勿带宠物、易燃易爆品、危险品入馆。

Handanlibrary is a smoke-free place. Smoking and fire-using are forbidden. Inflammables, explosives and other dangerous articles in the library building or nearside the entrances and exits are prohibited. Library is a place for reading, pets are not allowed in the library.


Please observe the library disciplines and the public order. No splitting, no littering and no scribbling on the wall.


5、请保持馆内安静, 请勿在馆内喧哗、嬉闹、追逐以及张贴广告、散发传单和推销商品;入馆后请将手机调为静音状态,请勿在各借阅区大声拨打、接听电话。

Please keep quiet, no shouting and no chasing. Flyers, personal invitations, etc. are not permitted to be posted in or on library property. Please keep your phone mute in the reading area. Please turn down your voices when making phone calls.


Food and beverages are not allowed to be taken into the library (portable water excluded).Photographing and filming are prohibited without permission.



Be cautious of library materials. Please do not mark the wall in the reading room, do not touch any power supply facilities in the library. Compensations will be paid for the damage of the facilities according to the library rules.



Please do not lie on the seats, don’t occupy the seats with your personal items.Misbehaviors and other actions that violating the library rules are prohibited.


If there is an emergency, please evacuate in accordance with the instructions of the staffs.


Please observe the rules of the library, abide by the instructions of the staffs, be a civilized library user.